· Result in discomfort, pain and possibly infection.
· Prevention and treatment of blisters is an important issue.
What is a blister?
· Separation of the skin layers, specifically epidermis from the dermis or a separation within the epidermis itself.
· Vesicle is the term applied to very small fluid filled bubbles.
· Bulla is the medical term used for “blister”.
· Most often the fluid within the blister is clear, but on occasion there is bleeding into the blister (a blood blister).
· Almost always caused by friction.
· Friction combined with excessive moisture sets up the right combination for blister formation.
· Avoiding soggy socks and ill fitting shoes will be the best means of preventing blisters.
· Performing endurance sports in new shoes or new socks can also contribute to blisters.
· Blisters occur most often in areas of friction and rubbing.
Blister Prevention Tips
· Break in your shoes and socks carefully.
· Make sure your shoes fit well. Try them on in the afternoon and with the type and thickness of the socks you intend to wear them with.
· Gradually increase your activity level.
· Do not wear cotton socks for sports.
· Socks that have material to wick moisture away from your feet will be the best ones to wear to prevent blisters.
· Keep your feet dry.
· Petroleum jelly like Vaseline or other moisturizers are recommended to use to prevent blisters.
· If you notice a “hot spot” you may apply moleskin or other padding to decrease friction.
· If there are bony prominences on your foot either on the toes or the heels, padding may be used to minimize repetitive friction and pressure.
Blister Treatment
· It’s best to seek professional foot care from a licensed podiatrist or chiropodist
· Diabetics and those with poor circulation should not self-treat blisters, but should seek professional care. Observe carefully for signs of infection, such as redness or red streaks around the outer rim of the blister, pus within the blister, and increasing pain or heat. The cardinal signs of infection are redness, heat, swelling, and pain.
· Skin over the blister itself does provide protection from bacteria in the environment and does not always need to be punctured. A small blister may just be allowed to heal by itself. Sometimes you will need to have a blister punctured to reduce pressure on the underlying skin.